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Monday, December 6, 2010

Major Hindi Publications of Project Ezra

Presenting in Hindi 
Two of the Major Works of 
Dr Charles C Ryrie
(M.Th, D.Th, Ph.d, Former Professor of Theology in Dallas Theological Seminary)  

Ryrie Study Bible (रायरी अध्ययन बाइबल )
The Bible is the Greatest of all books; to study it is the noblest of all pursuits; to understand it, the highest of all goals. The Ryrie Study Bible is especially designed to help you achieve the goal.
- Dr. Charles C Ryrie

Basic Theology(बुनियादी आध्यात्मज्ञान) 
A Systematic Representation of all Major Christian Doctrines in easy language. An essential tool for all students of Theology.

Daily Devotion Written by William MacDonald
(दिन भर के लिए सामर्थ)

"Man Shall not live by bread alone, but every Word that processedeth out of the mouth of God."

Mr. William MacDonald selected 366 verses from the Bible and wrote a short message on each one, showing how the truth should be applied to the daily life of the believer. All this is in his usual direct, punchy style. Included is a list of the verse used for reference purposes.

Believer's Bible Commentary
NT Part I (Matthew to John)
एक ऐसी बाइबिल टीका जो परमेश्वर के वचन के धन को स्पष्ट कर आपके लिए इसे सरलता से उब्लब्ध करवाती है|  उत्साह, श्रद्धा, और भक्तिपूर्ण विद्वता के साथ लिखी | गई, विश्वासी की बाइबिल टीका आपके मनन और बाइबिल अध्धयन तथा दूसरों को सीखाने हेतु तैयार किये जाने वाले बाइबिल पाठों के लिए एक पूर्ण उपयक्त पुस्तक | 
 Alone in Majesty 

एकमात्र प्रतापी परमेश्वर 
पवित्र परमेश्वर के विशिष्ठ गुण 
इस पुस्तक में बाइबिल के एक बड़े विद्वान और लेखक ने परमेश्वर की विशेषताओं  का अध्य्यन  करवाया है | इस पुस्तक में परमेश्वर के दो प्रकार के गुणों को स्पष्ट किया गया है: ऐसे गुण  जो सिर्फ परमेश्वर में ही पाए जाते हैं , और ऐसे गुण  जिन्हें  वह अपने लोगों के साथ बांटता है | 

That's  A  Good  Question
आपका सवाल वाज़िब है 

क्या आप खोये हुओं  को  पास लाने  में और अधिक सक्रिय होना चाहते है? यह पुस्तिका इस कार्य में अत्यन्त सहायक सिद्ध होगी ! इस पुस्तक का अध्ययन करें  और महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्नों  के उत्तर प्राप्त करें और उन्हें भी बताये जो ऐसे प्रश्नों के कारण  संघर्ष करते हैं! 

Coming Soon
Here's the Difference                            Heaven

अन्तर यहाँ हैं                                              स्वर्ग 


Contact For the Copies:
Office Address
Atulya Prashant Masih
Coordinator- Project Ezra
C/o Nishant Sidh
Near Khan Nursing Home
Stadium Road, Rajnandgaon, (C.G.) India
Pin 491441, Contact no. 09301726085, 09406330075

Coordinator's Address
Atulya Prashant Masih
'Anugrah Nilayam', AB-2 
Nehru Nagar, Rajnandgaon
Chhattisgarh, India, 491441
Contact no. 09301726085, 07744224713

Ryrie Study Bible in Hindi

Presenting Ryrie Study Bible in Hindi

Purpose of Ryrie Study Bible
The Bible is the greatest of all books; to study it is the noblest of all pursuits; to understand it, the highest of all goals. The Ryrie Study Bible is especially designed to help you achieve the goal.

Features of Ryrie Study Bible

For your copy please contact:
Atulya Prashant Masih: 09301726085
Nishant Sidh: 09406330075
S.P. Lall: 09827186816
Anurag Jacob: 09424211262, 09806717900

Office Address:
Atulya Prashant Masih
Coordinator-Project Ezra
C/o Nishant Sidh
Near Khan Nursing Home
Stadium Road, Rajnandgaon
(C.G.), 491441,  India
Contact nos. 09301726085, 07744224713, 07744224720, 09406330075

Coordinator's Address:
Atulya Prashant Masih
'Anugrah Nilayam', AB-2 
Nehru Nagar, Rajnandgaon
Chhattisgarh, India, 491441
Contact no. 09301726085, 07744224713

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Ryrie Study Bible in Hindi

 रायरी अध्ययन बाईबल अब हिंदी में भी उपलब्ध 

रायरी अध्ययन बाईबल हर एक मसीही के लिए महत्वपूर्ण क्यों है?
बाईबल सभी पुस्तकों में सर्वश्रेष्ठ पुस्तक है, इसे समझना हमारा सबसे ऊँचा लक्ष्य है, रायरी अध्ययन बाईबल विशेष रूप से तैयार की गई है कि उस लक्ष्य को पाने में आपको सहायता प्रदान करे.

लेखक का परिचय 
डॉक्टर चार्ल्स सी रायरी का परिचय विश्व भर में मसीही जगत से कराने की आवश्यकता नहीं है. वे २५ से भी अधिक पुस्तकों के लेखक है. वे डलास थिओलोजिकल सेमिनरी के अवकाशप्राप्त प्राध्यापक, तथा फिलेडेल्फिया कॉलेज ऑफ़ बाईबल में धर्मविज्ञान के प्राध्यापक है. वे बाईबल शिक्षण सेवकाई के लिए विश्वभर में सुविख्यात है. उनकी सर्वोतम कृतियों में रायरी अध्ययन बाईबल के अलावा   Basic Theology, The Holy Spirit, Balancing The Christian Life, Revelation शामिल है. मसीही जगत उत्सुकतापूर्वक उनकी योग्य और आशीषित लेखनी से ऐसी ही अनेक कृतियों की प्रतीक्षा कर रहा है. 

रायरी  अध्ययन बाईबल की महत्वपूर्ण विशेषताएं 

प्रभु के अनुग्रह से हमारी ओर से आप के लिए रायरी अध्ययन बाईबल का एक आकर्षक हिंदी बाईबल संस्करण प्रस्तुत किया जा रहा है, जिसे अपने हाथों में ले कर आप संतुष्टि का अनुभव करेंगे. 
इस सेवकाई के प्रोत्साहन हेतु आपसे प्रत्येक प्रति हेतु न्यूनतम १४०० रुपये की सहयोग राशि अपेक्षित है. डाक व्यय अतिरिक्त.

अपनी प्रति हेतु संपर्क करे: 
१. अतुल्य प्रशांत मसीह ०९३०१७२६०८५, ०७७४४२२४७२० 
२. निशांत सिद्ध ०९४०६३३००७५, ०७७४४२२४७१३ 
३. एस पी लाल ०९८२७१८६८१६, ००७७४४२२००२१ 
४. अनुराग जेकब ०९८०६७१७९००, ०९४२४२११२६२  

हमारा पता :
अतुल्य प्रशांत मसीह 
Coordinator - Project Ezra 
C/o Nishant Sidh 
Near Khan Nursing Home
Stadium Road
Rajnandgaon, ४९१४४१ 
फ़ोन नम्बर: ०७७४४२२४७१३
ईमेल: projectezra 

Atulya Prashant Masih
'Anugrah Nilayam', AB-2 
Nehru Nagar, Rajnandgaon
Chhattisgarh, India, 491441
Contact no. 09301726085, 07744224713

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Project Ezra Team

Greetings from Project Ezra!
Praise God for this opportunity to share with you about Project Ezra.
Let me mention this in the very beginning that Project Ezra is not a organization but an informal team of Brethren committed to give Bible Study tools and texts books to the serious students of God’s Word in Hindi language.  We work for the Lord to help His people understand the Word of God, making it clear and giving the meaning so that people could understand what they read (Neh. 8:8). This is done through Translation and Publication ministry. To share about Project Ezra means to share about the work that God has done through the team and to share about the contribution or role of members of this team.
To begin with let me share with you How all it began.
Project Ezra began with the prayer and concern for the Hindi Speaking people. Dr. Johnson C. Philip, Bro. Shalu T. Nainan and Bro. Rabbi John pioneered the work to translate Ryrie Study Bible in Hindi

In second stage Bro. Sam Siju Philip coordinated the work of the Study Bible. This was the time when God expanded the Project Ezra Team and brought other like minded servants of God together: Dr Matthew Varghese and Dr. Babu Varghese guided as translation consultants. Meanwhile the translation of Basic Theology was also being done simultaneously.
Bro. Roy T Daniel and Bro. Babu Thomas made themselves available so that lack of funds may not hinder the progress of the Work.
All the brethren mentioned above are committee members of Project Ezra Team. All the major decisions are being taken by Project Ezra Committee. However the members of the Project Ezra have their individual ministries with Brethren Assembly and are free to help any one in the areas of their expertise.
In the final stage of both the books Bro. Atulya Prashant Masih coordinated the work. Bro. V. K panday, Bro Harbhushan Ravana and Bro. Nishant Sidh helped him in the final editing of the work.
Bro Roy T Daniel took up the responsibility of Printing this Study Bible in Best quality.  We are previleged to have Bro. Roy T Daniel of Operation Barnabas as one of the members of Project Ezra Committee having a good experience in the area of printing and publishing even in Japan and Canada. Operation Barnabas, Bangalore takes the responsibility to publish the books for us. 
Project Ezra Today
In order to maintain a proper system thus to carry out the work meaningfully, We have a small office in Rajnandgaon (Chhattisgarh) in India. 
We are working to promote Hindi literature and the Bibles in an affordable rate among the Hindi Speaking Christians.
We also help other Christian organizations and individuals by translating their materials from English to Hindi. A complete one volume Bible commentary ‘Believer’s Bible Commentary’ written by William MacDonald is our first priority to be translated in Hindi. The work is on progress and by the Grace of God the NT volume one from Matthew to John has been published. Project Ezra has also translated and published That's a Good Question and Alone in Majesty Written by Brother William Macdonald. Two other books Here's the Difference and Heaven Written by the same author have been translated and are in the press. We need yours prayers and support to continue the ministry of Project Ezra.   
Our Office Address is:
Atulya Prashant Masih
Coordinator - Project Ezra
C/o Nishant Sidh
Near Khan Nursing Home
Stadium Road
Rajnandgoan (Chhattisgarh)
India. 491441
Contact: 09301726085, 09406330075, 07744224713, 07744224720. 

Coordinator's Address:
Atulya Prashant Masih
'Anugrah Nilayam', AB-2 
Nehru Nagar, Rajnandgaon
Chhattisgarh, India, 491441
Contact no. 09301726085, 07744224713